Join our Patient Participation Group (PPG)

What is the Patient Participation Group or PPG?

A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a selection of patients and practice staff who meet at regular intervals to decide ways of making a positive contribution to the services and facilities offered by the practice to the patients. The NHS requires every practice to have a PPG.

Why should I join?

You have been to the surgery as a patient, parent, carer or friend.

Your experiences matter and you can bring different ideas to the surgery to help us treat patients better or to improve what we do in some way.

You will also gain a better understanding of the NHS, and gather feedback from other patients.

– Provide the means for patients to make positive suggestions about the practice and their own healthcare
– Encourage health education activities within the practice
– Give patients and practice staff the opportunity to discuss topics of mutual interest in their practice
– Act as representative group that can be called upon to influence the local provision of health and social care

Some of the initiatives that our Patient Participation Group have already influenced/have been part of are:

  • Ludham car park upgrade
  • Upgrade of reception at Stalham Green Surgery
  • Age Concern community/surgery links
  • Patient survey and action plan


How often does the Patient Participation Group meet?

We meet, but not too often, led by a committee voted for by the patients. If you can’t make meetings then don’t worry – you can still be part of our virtual group.

Who manages the mailing list for the PPG? 

The mailing list will be held by the GP surgery and any emails sent so that individual’s emails are not shared with others.

A virtual group is a group of patients who would like to be part of the Patient Participation Group but prefer not to attend meetings. They get involved by email instead. Information such as practice newsletters, minutes of the Patient Participation Group meetings and surveys will be shared electronically. It means that if you can’t make face-to-face meetings, are caring for someone and unable to leave them, or are working, you can still be kept informed, give your views and participate.

Your views are important and will be listened to. It may not be possible to act on every suggestion, but all feedback is very valuable. Working in a spirit of mutual respect, openness and trust, all patients’ views will be discussed and, where appropriate, we will work together on solutions. If you are interested in learning more about our Patient Participation Group, please ask us about it when you next visit the practice.