The accessible information standard aims to ensure that patients or their carers who have a disability or sensory loss, receive information that they can access and understand. For example, in large print, braille or via email and professional communication support if they need it, for example from a British Sign Language interpreter.
This applies to patients and their carers who have information and/or communication needs relating to a disability, impairment or sensory loss. It also applies to parents and carers of patients/service users who have such information and/or communication needs, where appropriate.
Individuals most likely to be affected by the standard include people who are blind or deaf, who have some hearing and / or visual loss, people who are deaf blind and people with a learning disability. However, this list is not exhaustive.
Should you have any requirements or know of a patient who needs support, please contact the practice and we will help provide support.
Further information can be obtained on the NHS website.